TABRIZ rugs and carpets usually have curvilinear patterns. I should also mention that you find some tribal patterns made in surrounding villages that are sold as TABRIZ.

The quality of TABRIZ rugs and carpets varies. The older ones (before 1945) are very good, but some of the newer TABRIZ rugs and carpets have a lower number of Knots Per Square Inch (KPSI) and they are chemically rather than vegetable dyed. TABRIZ rugs and carpets are highly prized because they are one of the best-looking carpets in IRAN and the world.

TABRIZ rugs and carpets come in different sizes. The majority of them are mi-size (4x6 to 8x10 feet). You can also find large rugs up to 10 x 18 feet.

Colors are Dark red and powerful blue colors predominate, with ivory forming a beautiful contrast. Other colors such as soft green and blue and brown are found in newer carpets.

Texture are Soft wool; thin, tight pile.

Foundation: Warps is mostly cotton; wefts is either cotton or wool.

Inspection of the back of the carpet is important because the weavers in TABRIZ use both Turkish and Persian knots knots. The quality of the carpet depends upon the number of knots, which varies, but averages from around 120 KPSI (30 RAJ) up to 842 KPSI (80 RAJ).

The Price of TABRIZ rugs and carpets are among the nicest looking and finest quality carpets. They are therefore in high demand and are more costly then some other carpets. Expect to pay $4-$35 Per Square Foot (PSF) for a carpet from TABRIZ. Keep in mind that, as a rule, the higher the KPSI, the greater is the price.


TABRIZ, the capital of the northwestern province of Azerbaijan, has for centuries enjoyed a great reputation as a center of oriental culture. Its development from a naturally favored oasis at the foot of the volcano Sahand to today's commercial center, along with descriptions of its many artists and craftsmen, could fill many volumes. The tradition that TABRIZ was founded in the 8th century by the wife of Harun al-Rashid does not bear historical scrutiny. The origins of the town stretch far back into antiquity.

Timur (1336-1405)
Shah Ishmail I (1501-1524)
Founder of Safavid Dynasty
Shah Abbas(1587-1629)
All conquered TABRIZ as a fulcrum between east and west and made it into one of the great cities of their empires, but it was in Shah Abbas the Great (1587-1629 CE) that TABRIZ found its most cultured patron.
Typical TABRIZ Food

The people of TABRIZ have been spared the devastation of war and severe natural catastrophes such as earthquake over the centuries. In the Middle Ages, TABRIZ witnessed a blossoming of the fine arts that influenced the development of carpet design. Manuscript illuminators, silk embroiders, miniature painters and metal workers all inspired the carpet weavers. The early 18th century saw the end of the Safavid Empire and the decline of the town. Craftsmanship fell into decay.

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