As per meaning of the RED CARPET it seems a red colored carpet only. But in real the "Red Carpet" is not only red colored carpet but today it is a simble fashion shows, fashion awards and film festival awards. You can see the brightness of red carpet in presence of hot models, celebrities and national guests. Let us find out how the RED CARPET become the simble of award shows, honour and Hospitality.
According wikipedia, the writen detail of first time use of red carpet is found in a play named Agamemnon by Aeschylus during 425BC. In this play when Agamemnon the hero of the returnd from Troy his wife put red carpet in the way to welcome him so that foot of her beloved husband cannot touch the earth. Thus Mr.Agamemnon was the first person greeted using Red Carpet by her wife as known records.
After that use of Red carpet as floor covering shown in paintings of medival age. In the paitings Red Carpet was rolled on the way going to kings crown.
In modern age Red carpet was rolled out to a river first time in 1821 to greet US president James Madison on his arrival. This event was the begining of use of phrase "Red carpet Rolled Out".
Another event, In 1902 the Red carpet was used by New York Central Railroad to indicate the walk way to the people who were boarding on the 20th Century passanger train. The phrase "Red Carpet Treatment" inveted from there.
Consclusion is that Red Carpet is being used to hospitality purposes of great people as US President, Ministers and Celebrities also. Some time at the time of big awards Red Carpet Used. Red carpet aso being used for Red Carpet Fashion Award. Few images attached to see the proudness and pleasure of Red Carpet greeted VIPs.
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